How to install Etsy AOP+ app when you are using Shopify AOP+ app:

Click or paste link int the tab:
If the link opens your AOP+ Dashboard, you need to log out on the account.

Once log out. You will see this screen

Just close this one, do not put your Shopify store URL. Proceed to 4th step.

Close the tab and open a new one. copy and paste the link again:
This window will open, Click on the button CONNECT ESTY NOW

After clicking to the connect Etsy, this will bring you to your Etsy account and click "Allow Access".

After clicking this will bring you the AOP+ Dashboard. 

Please note: When you publish products in Etsy AOP+ app this will be in your listings draft automatically.
You need to publish this in Etsy before this will get live in your Etsy store.

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