We prefer RGB - PNG file type with 150 DPI or higher for a better print outcome, we prefer always prefer PNG. But JPEGs are fine too depends on how you will use.

PNG format is a lossless compression file format, which makes it a common choice for use on the Web, It's also a good choice for storing line drawings, text, and iconic graphics at the small file size.

JPG format is a lossy compressed file format, and this makes it useful for storing photographs at a smaller size than a BMP, also JPG is a common choice for use on the Web because it is compressed.

For storing line drawings, text, and iconic graphics at the smaller file size, GIF or PNG are better choices because they are lossless, It's also photographs and realistic images. PNGs are for line art, text-heavy images, and images with few colors.

Also please keep in your mind that our app can accommodate up to 30MB file for the artwork.

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