We all would like to offer our customers customized / personalized print on demand products. But it is not that easy with the current POD apps and Printers who have application in Shopify App Store or in ETSY.

Most of the POD printers they do not look so friendly to custom products because pretty much all of us we design our application based on the same design per collection. Custom orders are a pain, means every single order will be a different design, different product. We always prefer to print the same design on the same product. We don't like to wait to get customized artwork from you, plus to get that artwork is always a pain for us and many excuses. And funny enough most of the POD Apps in Shopify don't offer customization tool.

See Demo Custom Store here!

The one who offers customization has the products you don't like and the application who has amazing products does not offer customization… But AOP+ Team found a workaround, another way to make that dream come true. Literally, you can offer every single item in our application as a personalized product to your customers.

In this video, I will explain you every single details and step of how to get customized/personalized orders from your customers and pass them to your current POD Supplier with their POD Application.

Want to learn? Let's start. Important, please download the workflow diagram before watching the video to follow up easily.

Download Diagram: https://drive.google.com/file/d/17NdNUTnfGaNc43m0G_Bz3t3XmhxDrrah/view

What do you need?

Shopify Store: You need a Shopify Store because workaround and the POD App works only on Shopify. If you don’t have one, you can create here.

Or ETSY Store: AOP+ Works on ETSY too. Get the app here! Don't have an ETSY account? Get 40 free listings and open an account here: https://aop.plus/etsy40free

AOP+ Easy Print on Demand App: This eBook covers everything and shows examples on the AOP+ app. So you can try out at AOP+ App. To install the AOP+ click here. Or you can directly download from Shopify App Store. AOP+ Works on ETSY too. Get the app here!

Shopify App

Etsy App

Customization / File Upload App: (Shopify only) We need an application which can get file or picture from the customer on the product page and pass to the store owner with the order. There are some good applications in the Shopify App Store. In this eBook, I have tested an application called Uploadery. They offer 30 days free trial and looks pretty simple. Install Uploadery here. (Note: I will make another video about those customisation apps very soon) https://aop.plus/uploadery

Download Diagram: https://drive.google.com/file/d/17NdNUTnfGaNc43m0G_Bz3t3XmhxDrrah/view

IMPORTANT: If you are using AOP+ ETSY rename your your folder ETST-LONGNUMBER

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